brain farts

Happy Toilet Day

Posted on: November 20, 2006

Besides being the day I popped into the world, November 19, folks, is also World Toilet Day.

Yes, you heard that correctly.


No joke. The people behind the World Toilet Organization sat down one day and decided that out of all the days in the year — all 365 of them — November 19 would be a fabulous day to celebrate world toilet day. WORLD TOILET DAY! Seriously, didn’t it ever cross their minds that November 19 might be some poor unsuspecting person’s birthday? And didn’t it ever cross their minds that said unsuspecting person might have friends like Goi who love nothing more than to rub Toilet Day in their face (Goi: So what color toilet do you want for your birthday???)?

Obviously not.

And in case that wasn’t bad enough already — irony of ironies — they just HAD to choose this year to host their World Toilet Summit in none other than the Land of Smiles.

Which probably explains why I tend to throw the word “shitty” around a lot.

Anyway, to share my pain today was fellow November 19er and childhood bud from my Almond days, Manning, who flew into Bangkok so we could celebrate our big day together. It was SO awesome to see him again and just plain catch up on what we’ve each been up to these past ten years. We chowed down at Kuay Thiew Reua Tha Siam before catching the latest James Bond flick at Siam Paragon, which was awesome to say the least. How awesome? Well, let’s just say this die-hard Pierce Brosnan fan is now seriously hooked on Daniel Craig. I mean, c’mon, people, the guy virtually oozes Bondish charisma and menace! In fact, I hereby revoke any criticism I may have unfairly launched at him prior to watching Casino Royale.

Daniel Craig, I must say, totally rocks my socks.

Later, we headed down to V9 wine bar along Silom to catch the stellar view, fab fusion food, and more stories about Manning’s time and travels in China, Taiwan, and Mexico. Hanging with him, you can’t help but feel his passion for traveling, biking, and photography rub off on you. All I can really say is that the guy SO knows how to live it up.

After that, we made our way to RCA where we chilled at Flix/Slim until midnight. Shame we had to leave early since Manning had a 3 am flight to Vienna to catch — where he will be launching his 2-week Eastern European vacation — and I an early morning Oral Histology class. Of course, we will simply ignore the immense coolness of Manning’s upcoming itinerary in comparison to mine.

So the Big 2-4 has finally come and gone. Do I feel older? HELL, no. If anything, I feel younger. :) Of course, Manning says that if we ever feel old we could just hang with a bunch of 30-year-olds to stroke our ego, hah.

(But somehow I don’t think we’ll be laughing so much in 6 years time. Eep.)

So, without further ado, HAPPY TOILET DAY!!!

Oh, and happy birthday to us, too, I guess. ;)

And now I must shake off the birthday buzz in my veins and try to get some sleep.


Currently Playing: Somebody Told Me by the Killers, because, my GOD, I don’t think I’ve ever been this obsessed with a band ever. Oh wait, yes, I have.

16 Responses to "Happy Toilet Day"

Wow! Happy belated birthday!!! I didn’t know.

Happy Birthday! I totally read your first sentence wrong; I thought you “pooped” into the world. ;)

Hey, happy birthday (slightly belated)!

As for toilets, they’re a very celebratable thing. Even in the middle of the 20th century, in Saskatchewan, there were still people joyfully burning down their outhouses as they got toilets installed in their houses. They were soooo happy.


accidentally, i’m websurfing. how’s everything coming along?

S. and I both worshipped this toilet we saw at a party this weekend. Instead of the boring opaque seat that serves only a practical purpose, this one was clear, with sea creatures embedded in it. So naturally, we spent some 10 minutes posing with it- there are pics on FB. Happy Toilet day, indeed. :)

happy birthday.

i hope you got your toilet on. =)

enjoy age 24 as much as you can… cause 25 is the beginning of the end. once you’re 25, you’re at the exact crossroads between “closer to 20” and “closer to 30.” so at 24, you’re still plenty close to 20. at 25, you’re on the fence. and then at 26, you’re officially closer to 30 than you are to 20, and at that point you may as well be 30.


lynn, suk san wan horng naam !! lol! neh, happy birthday to u !!!

Thanks, Elem!

Junior: Haha, and how appropriate would it have been for me to poop into the world, me having been born on Toilet Day and all, huh?

Gord: Wow, thanks for that little tidbit! I never knew Toilet Day could be such an auspicious occasion! ;)

Thanks, Kenna!!! Everything’s fabulous…how’s everything in HK?

Kate: OMG, I am totally checking that out.

Mati: You bet your booty I did. ;)

Pan: Thanks for putting everything in perspective! I assume you’re speaking from personal experience? ;)

Khob khun mak ka, Keatix!

wagagagwagagagaa that’s so funny!!! i’m glad u like your necklace and that huge milk bottle ^^ oh well…toilet woman…i rather not want anything related to u on my birthday man!!! hohohohoho having exams on my birthday is the perfect present already you know!!!

logan’s run ='(

Goi: I guess I’ll be nice this year b/c having midterms on your bday is shitty enough already, hehe.

Haha, poor Pan. ;D

Indignaties of indignaties~~~ toilet day as a b-day??? :) AND you had kuay thiew reua???? Me sooo jealous:)

Tweet, we should all be so lucky as to have our birthdays fall on such auspicious occasions. ;) And pleeeaase visit BKK!! I’ll take you to all the best kuay thiew reua spots in the city!

Happy very belated birthday and flushday to you Lynn!!

Better to be over the hill than down :P

Thank you, Poeh! ;)

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